reyna aday'S ARCHIVE

  • By Urban Bliss Yoga | In YogaCafe | on July 12, 2015

    Yoga–Meaning of Surrender Surrendering is much more than starting up on the mat and letting go of actual pressure. There are possibilities for us to give up in each moment of the day. From time to time, we are regularly handling the globe around us. Everywhere we look there are a large number of stimuli; […]

  • Space as used in Yoga

    By Urban Bliss Yoga | In YogaCafe | on July 12, 2015

    It is believed that Yoga is all about space. For a practicing individual, yoga helps increase the space between ears and shoulders, behind the shoulder blades, round the hip region, and even between toes. When such individual inhales into that space, oxygen infuses into every corner of his or her body, just as a warm […]

  • Ahimsa

    By Urban Bliss Yoga | In YogaCafe | on July 12, 2015

    Opening Ahimsa, is a word that derives from Sanskrit and it means “to not harm” or “non-violence.” Ahimsa alludes to peacefulness, and it applies to every single living being; including all creatures as indicated by numerous Indian religions. Ahimsa is a multidimensional idea, propelled by the reason that every living being has the sparkle of […]

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